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A new animated TV series

When a cataclysmic volcanic eruption flings a jumble of debris deep into a dark underground cave these shattered remnants of life, an assortment of shells sticks                                             and rocks driven by the eternal instinct for survival, reassemble into new living creatures.


As they encounter the post-apocalyptic world, they evolve into uniquely engaging characters who create whole new ways of living.  


Suprise additions to the new population arrive in the shape of a family of meteorites who carry with them the seeds of a new evolution, much in the same way as                                                                                               life first began on Earth.


                                                          We now have a whole new set of ingredients to kickstart a fresh beginning.

                                                                                  Episodes titles:


ALL is Not Lost (Pilot episode - completed) / ALL Out / ALL Or Nothing / ALL Together / ALL of a Sudden / Against ALL Odds / ALL Alone / ALL is Not What It Seems / ALL The Way Home / ALL True / The Be ALL and End ALL / ALL In Good Time/ Once and for ALL / ALL In / ALL’s Well That Ends Well (for now…)


                                             Key words: humour, suspense, action and… weirdness.

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